Samuel Wasser, head of the Center for Conservation Biology at the University of Washington, enlists the help of extremely playful dogs to save endangered species.
Over the past decade, my writing has appeared in a variety of publications including Nature, World Watch, New Scientist, and Conservation. I'm especially interested in stories about the natural world and our place in it, but I've also written about genomics, really tiny computer circuits, and Cuba travel policy, to name a few topics. On this page, to the left, you'll find a selected list of my publications.
I also have extensive experience editing technical manuscripts on medical and ecological topics, and development writing for nonprofit organizations. You can read more about that work in the sidebars below.
I have a B.A. in Biology and English Literature from Swarthmore College, and an M.A. in Science Writing from The Johns Hopkins University.
Every great artist needs one, right? I write a food blog about cooking local and feeding babies and toddlers, in theory and practice. Hungry? Head over to small tastes and see what's in season.
With my trusty orange companion, the 15th Edition of The Chicago Manual of Style, I tackle editing tasks of all stripes--from suggesting structural rearrangements to improve the flow of a piece, to cleaning up grammar and doing a final proofread.
Below are a few examples of documents I've worked on for nonprofit and government clients. The Wilderness Society
I edit the quarterly newsletter of this Seattle-based environmental nonprofit. I write some copy, rework documents produced for other purposes into newsy articles, edit staff submissions, and work with the designer to create a pleasing whole.
Alaska Conservation Foundation
I wrote a feature-length article, "The Great Land Turns 50," about the history of environmentalism in Alaska since statehood, for this organization's Spring 2009 newsletter.